Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Red hair dye?

I have naturally auburn hair , but i dye it often.

( don't worry , it's very healthy , despite the chemicals , i take great care of it. lol. )

I'm thinking about dying it red. but.. all the reds i look at are either brownish-auburn-y , copper , or purple-y red.

But I want a hip , bright color.

Like hers --%26gt;;friendid=8986365

But not quite as bright.

+ I'll be adding highlights and lowlights of course.

Where can I find a good hairdye ?

I've already looked at Herbal Essences.

Thanks !Red hair dye?

they have a lot of diff. colors %26amp; shades.

hope you find what you're looking for, and good luck :)Red hair dye?
L'oreal Feria. The colors are very vibrant.

That color in that pic looks very copper to me....
First of all it shouldn't be that hard to find that color of red in a local drugstore.

Secondly, remember this always... red is the hardest color to put in your hair and make it stay and it is the hardest color to get out of your hair. Good luck sister.
a color like that would probably be a semi-permanent type of dye which you can find at a beauty store, or hot-topic.. not a drug store.

popular semi-permanent dyes are SPECIAL FX and MANIC PANIC.

you'd have to bleach your hair a bit and then apply the dye.
Red is almost impossible to look natural. Almost every red dye looks like coolaide in my opinion. I would really suggest that you go to a professtional, one that is young and fresh out of beauty school, or go to a hip young salon in your town. A girl i know has auburn hair and went red. She did a dark red from her ears down (when its up does that make sense?) and a red on the top w/ some low and high lights it looks great but its high maintenence. Also red dye is the fastest fading color so make sure you do a sealing treatment after you color. good luck :)
By the way what state do u live in.....well if u know what sallys beauty supplies is u should go there if there is one in your state
the best thing you can do is go get it professionally done. trust me. i learned the hard way.
l'orel feria will definitely have the colour for you!

i have blonde hair and dyed the underneath of it a great bright purple a few weeks ago, i loved it!
Ya red hair is the best cuz red heads can read and have tones of fun
the bass player in a band I was in used to use looked good and smelled good
go to a hair store like sallys

they have all sorts of colors %26amp; you can mix them how ever u like %26amp; get the color you want
ask her if she dyes it.

otherwise idk.

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