Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What helps red hair dye last longer?

What helps red hair dye last longer %26amp; stay the color it starts out to be?

Also whats a good deep conditioner i can get at walmart or target. What helps red hair dye last longer?
To help your red hair dye last longer, you will need to buy a shampoo for red colored hair that is actually red, lol.

What it does is, each time you shampoo your hair, it adds back a little bit of red at a time, making your red dyed hair last longer and also prevents fading and that ';coppery/orangey look';.

In regards to a good deep conditioner, I am in Australia, but I'll try. Pantene. Don't know which one in particular, but check out the range, they're pretty good and not over-priced.What helps red hair dye last longer?
use a shampoo that has lasting Colour written on the bottle x

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