Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How do you get red hair dye out of beige carpet?

You won't be able to, but you can try finding a like area of the carpet in a closet or bedroom, cut a section out, cut out the stained section, and replace with the new section by hot gluing it into place, then shaving with a razor blade to match height or other inferior details.How do you get red hair dye out of beige carpet?
cheap carpet cleanerHow do you get red hair dye out of beige carpet?
Try Oxyiclean....make a paste let it sit for about 15 minutes.....scrub with brush, wipe with wet rag, repeat if necessary and let sit up to an hour....hope this helps, I use it all the time, Oxyiclean even takes out mildew!!
the Home Shopping Network (HSN) sells this stuff called Stainz-R-Out and this stuff is amazing!!! I've gotten it to take sharpie marks off of the fridge and a spot of dried nail polish off the carpet. It's made with Banana oil. Here's the link for their web site:鈥?/a>
Spot Shot!!!
Use a stanley knife then paint the floor beige and hope that Mom/ dad don't notice, or move the furniture around. lol


Test a small area first with any technique!

Dab with cold water, rub neat washing up liquid into stain, and then sponge off with warm water. If stain persists carefully treat with stain remover, then shampoo if necessary.

Ketchup drips. Chocolate drops. Wine spills. If the party's at your place, expect a festive, colorful carpet after your last guest has gone home. If you act fast, you'll keep common carpet visitors from taking up permanent residence in your home. First things first: Blot (don't soak) or spoon up the excess, then try the remedies below. Use a plastic bucket or old plastic container to create the solutions described.

For other carpet or rug stains, see How to Remove Wax From Carpeting, How to Remove Chewing Gum From Carpeting, How to Remove Bleach Spots From Carpeting, How to Remove Pet Stains and How to Remove Burn Marks on Rugs.

STAIN SOLUTION--Blot (don't soak) excess, then:

Gooey grease 1) Sprinkle cornmeal or baking soda on greasy spills to absorb excess. Leave overnight. Vacuum when dry.

Gravy, butter, salad dressing, olive oil, vegetable oils, mystery spills 2) Blot on small amount of dry-cleaning fluid.

3) Blot with detergent solution of 1 tsp. dishwashing liquid and 1 cup (8 fl oz/250 ml) warm water. Work from outside of stain toward center. Let sit 5 minutes.

4) Sponge with warm water until detergent disappears. Cover with plain white paper towels to absorb liquid overnight.

5) Vacuum or brush when dry to restore texture.

Tough tannins 1) Blot on detergent solution of 1.2 tsp. mild liquid laundry detergent and 1 cup (8 fl oz/250 ml) lukewarm water. Or, for red wine and grape juice stains, sponge with club soda or white wine.

Fruit juice, wine, soft drinks, coffee, ketchup, tomato sauce 2) Sponge on ammonia solution of 2 tbsp. ammonia and 1 cup (8 fl oz/250 ml) warm water.

3) Blot on detergent solution again.

4) Rinse and blot dry. Cover with plain white paper towels. Let sit overnight.

5) Vacuum or brush when dry.

Problem proteins 1) Dab with detergent solution of 1 tsp. dishwashing liquid and 1 cup (8 fl oz/250 ml) lukewarm water. For blood stains, use cold water. If stain is gone, you can stop here.

Dairy products, eggs, grass, blood, urine 2) If stain is still visible, blot with a solution of 2 tbsp. ammonia and 1.2 cup (4 fl oz/125 ml) water. Then sponge with clean water.

3) Blot on solution of 1 cup (8 fl oz/250 ml) white vinegar and 2 cups (16 fl oz/500 ml) warm water.

4) Sponge with clean water. Blot dry. Cover with plain white paper towels. Let sit overnight.

5) Vacuum or brush when dry.

Ink 1) Sponge with small amount of dry-cleaning fluid.

2) Blot on detergent solution (see ';Gooey grease,'; step 3).

3) Sponge-rinse until residue is removed. Blot dry.

Makeup 1) Blot with dry-cleaning fluid.

2) Blot with powder enzyme laundry detergent and water following directions on box. Rinse.

3) Apply solution of 2 tbsp. ammonia and 1.2 cup (4 fl oz/125 ml) water. Rinse.

4) Blot on solution of 1 cup (8 fl oz/250 ml) white vinegar and 2 cups (16 fl oz/500 ml) warm water. Rinse.

5) Allow to air-dry, then vacuum.

Mustard 1) Apply small amount of detergent solution (see ';Gooey grease,'; step 3). Blot and rinse several times.

2) Apply vinegar solution (see step 4, above) and rinse.

3) If stain remains, mix solution of powder enzyme laundry detergent and water following directions on box. Cover stain with a cloth drenched in the solution for at least 30 minutes.

4) Rinse and blot dry.

Nail polish 1) Apply small amount of nonacetate nail-polish remover to white cloth. Work gently into stain, working from edge to center.

2) Let sit 5 minutes. Blot several times.

3) Rinse thoroughly. Blot dry, then vacuum.

Chocolate and candy 1) Sponge lightly with cool water; blot.

2) Apply laundry detergent solution (see ';Tough tannins,'; step 1) with brush or towel. Repeat until no stain is transferring to towel. Rinse.

3) Blot on ammonia solution (see ';Tough tannins,'; step 2). Sponge-rinse.

4) Blot dry, then vacuum.

Warning Always remove dirty excess and pretest stain solution on an inconspicuous area of the carpet or rug before cleaning.

Resist scrubbing or saturating carpet: Fiber damage and stain setting may result.
just try
why were dying your hair red in the first place? I have know idea how. (Mine is naturally red!)
First blot it up with a paper towel. Dampen a towel and put some Sunlight Dishwashing liquid on it. Rub it in the stain. Keep repeating until the stain comes out. You can try putting some Borax powder.
Take a bottle of peroxide and lots of paper towel, Take a sponge and soak it with the peroxide, wait a few minutes and with paper towel press down on the stain, and remove as much as possible, change the paper towel as it gets the stain on it. If you need to clean the sponge and redo the procedure again. After that take a little dawn, and clean the carpet again..

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